Thursday, January 12, 2012

Remember Who You Are

This morning, I had the incredible privilege of being a part of a "Changing of Command" ceremony for a Navy friend of mine, Commander Darryl Anderson.  Commander Anderson has been serving our country for the past 32 years as a sailor in the United States Navy.  Today, he was given command of all Naval Recruiting at the Miami station, the largest recruiting post in the southeast United States.  He's an outstanding man, husband, father, and servant of both our country and the Kingdom of God.

During the ceremony, one of the Commanding officers gave the sailors a challenge:

"Remember who you are.  Remember what you stand for.  Remember and work hard at the important task at hand."

What a challenge to everyone, whether they are a sailor or not.

Remember who you are!  God's children.  Protected.  Provided for.  Sought out.  Sacrificed for.  Blessed.  Invited.  Instructed.  Empowered.  Guided.  Taught.  Tasked.  Nurtured.  Forgiven.  Loved.

Remember what you stand for!  God.  His Kingdom.  His Son.  His Holy Spirit.  Truth.  Life (in it's fullest).  Integrity.  Purity.  Holiness.  Righteousness.  Freedom.  The hungry and thirsty.  The poor.  The sick.   The least.

Remember and work hard at the important task at hand.  Loving God.  Loving others.  Everything else is based off of these two basic tasks.

Thank you to Commander Darryl Anderson for the incredible honor of praying at your Changing of Command ceremony.  Congratulations, and thank you for serving our country for the past 32 years in the United States Navy as well as serving our God.  You are an example to all of us.

Remember who you are.  Remember what you stand for.  Remember and work hard at the important task at hand.  Stay strong.

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