Wednesday, November 16, 2011


worship |ˈwər sh əp|

the feeling or expression of reverence and adoration for a deity : the worship of God | ancestor worship.

verb ( -shiped , -shiping ; also -shipped, -shipping)
show reverence and adoration for

A couple weeks ago my wife and I had a chance to be up in the New England area and spend time with Heather's brother (Kirk) and sister-in-law (Maura).   It was an incredible time.  We spent a lot of time laughing together and enjoying each others company.  We were also able to spend a good amount of time outdoors hiking and seeing some beautiful fall leaves.

Two Sundays ago, Kirk, Heather and I drove up to the White Mountains in New Hampshire so we could do some hiking.  He found a great hiking loop that would take us over the top of two mountains (Welch and Dickey).
It was a great hike...not too technical but definitely challenging for the legs of a Florida boy used to flat, sea level ground.  It was a little chilly (37 degrees) at the bottom of the mountain, and during the 4.4 mile loop that took us over the top of Welch and Dickey Mountains we climbed 1,694 feet up and back down.  We were able to see some beautiful views and see patches of snow and ice (rare in South to see) while feeling the muscles in my legs remind me that I live in South Florida.  One of my favorite views was from the top of Dickey Mountain where we were able to look back down to the top of Welch Mountain that we had just ascended as well as the rest of the valley.
All day long, we were treated to incredible views.  The more I hiked, the more I felt surrounded by God.  The crisp breeze...the sound of the birds..the chipmunks and squirrels...the views of the valleys, mountains, trees, snow, ice...the beautiful blue sky...they were all constant reminders of a God that surrounds me, provides for me, and loves me.  

Psalm 19:1-4
"The heavens proclaim the glory of God.
The skies display his craftsmanship.
  Day after day they continue to speak;
night after night they make him known.
  They speak without a sound or word;
their voice is never heard. 
Yet their message has gone throughout the earth,
and their words to all the world."

I wasn't in a church building, at a convention, summer camp, or large retreat.  I was simply outside, and yet that Sunday was an incredible day of worship for me.  Everywhere I looked, I couldn't help but think about and thank God for His amazing creation.
 Thank you to my brother in law and wife for being awesome hiking partners.  It was an honor to spend the day with both of you in the middle of this beauty.

Next time any of you get a chance...get outside spend some time.  You might be surprised how close to God you can end up feeling.  Keep pursuing Him.  Stay strong.

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