During the month of January, we spend a lot of time purposely engaging in direct questions to people about where they are at with God. I know in my life I have unfortunately often passed on asking people where they were at in their relationship with God...what is holding them back from choosing to follow Christ...I guess I felt a little awkward and didn't want to make them feel out of place. Bottom line...I think that's a pathetic attitude and excuse for not sharing Christ.
Now I'm not saying cram Jesus down people's throats, but I am challenging you to consider the last time you lovingly asked and engaged someone in a conversation about Christ? Christ never passed up an opportunity to talk to someone about lifechange...awkward or not. In fact, He created those types of situations time and time again (woman at the well, Pharisees in the Temple, healing on the Sabbath, etc.). I believe Jesus' desire was to simply preach the truth in love because He truly loved people, no matter how messed up they were. When people doubted Him, He would challenge them to find something wrong with His testimony. Jesus' truth, no matter how tough it was, was backed up with character. Jesus consistently earned the right to speak, even though He of all people really didn't have to.
Check yourself...are you able to do that? Can you share your faith? What are you excuses? What have you done to build relationships with sharing Christ in mind? Do you consistently look to earn the right to share Christ or do you let opportunities pass?
While you are considering these questions...here's a couple more for you. Let me also ask this...Have you accepted the love and forgiveness of Christ and made Him your Lord and Savior? Have you repented of your sins and been buried/immersed in the waters of baptism to rise and walk in a brand new life? If not...why not? Jesus' love for you is immeasurable. His sacrifice is incomprehensible...why would He allow the torture and murder of Himself? Love...love for you. Check out John 3:16, Romans 5:8, and 2 Cor. 5:21. He loves you. He died for you. He lives again and is waiting for you with open arms just as you are right now.
Do you belong to Him? Are you willing to share Him with others?
Stay strong...